The thematic rooms Contradictions, Identity and Transformation, Cultural Memory, Auratic Sites, Wiggle Room, and Society show how broadly the term Context is understood.
For the 20th anniversary of the Neues Museum Nuremberg, Volker Staab's first work, the museum presented an exhibition by Staab Architekten in the six façade rooms. Through planned and built projects, it became clear how profound the influence of context is on the work of Staab Architekten and how broadly our office interprets the term "context."
During the five-month exhibition, the museum's façade spaces were put in scene in an unusual way. Transparent image planes changed the effect of the formative visual axes and visual references in the building, transforming the open spatial areas into light-filled berths. This intervention not only made clear the museum's relationship to the square in front of it but also played with the building's basic idea of allowing the cut-open museum spaces to become visible behind the glass façade.
4 July 2020 to 10 January 2021
Conception: Volker Staab, Filiz Doğu, Julia Zillich
Team: Jamie Queisser, David Czepek, Ruben Beilby, Zhan Wang, Firat-Delil Ertegi, Mathis Grahl, Simone Prill
Modelling: Monath + Menzel, Berlin
Exhibition building: Atelier Köbbert, Berlin
Marcus Ebener, NMN / Annette Kradisch, Zuzanna Kałużna