03.01.2025, Bauwelt
5100 Skulpturen Press

03.01.2025, Bauwelt

5100 Skulpturen

Bauwelt 1.2025
Issue Topic Archive
Review by Oliver G.Hamm
Image by Marcus Ebener

03.01.2025, Bauwelt

5100 Skulpturen

21.08.2024, DETAIL
Freude am Raum Press

21.08.2024, DETAIL

Freude am Raum

DETAIL ONLINE, 21.08.2024
Review by Alexi Merle
Images by Tanja Kernweiss, Zuzanna Kałużna

21.08.2024, DETAIL

Freude am Raum

2024, Casals Forum, Kronberg near Frankfurt am Main
Otto-Borst-Prize for Urban Renewal 2024, Category Urban Component Award

2024, Casals Forum, Kronberg near Frankfurt am Main

Otto-Borst-Prize for Urban Renewal 2024, Category Urban Component

Every two years, the association Forum Stadt – Network of Historic Cities honours outstanding projects that preserve, renovate, convert or further develop the historic city substance. 

With an new ensemble consisting of a hotel, chamber music hall and music academy, the Musikquartier Kronberg redesigns the way from the train station to the old town of Kronberg and provides a sequence of public squares and paths that structure the rising terrain. At the highest point of the site, Kronberg Academy's chamber music hall regularly stages concerts by its scholarship holders and other musicians associated with the academy.

2024, Casals Forum, Kronberg near Frankfurt am Main

Otto-Borst-Prize for Urban Renewal 2024, Category Urban Component

da! Architecture in and from Berlin Exhibition


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

As every year, the Chamber of Architects shows an exhibition of selected projects built by its members from the fields of architecture, interior architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning. This year we are participating with the Casals Forum. 

March 16 to April 13, 2024
​Living Berlin 
Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

23.–24.02.2024, Vienna
TURN ON architecture festival Talk

23.–24.02.2024, Vienna

TURN ON architecture festival

The motto of this year's TURN ON Festival organized by the Austrian Architecture Foundation is 'Perspectives'. 
Day 1 will focus on innovative and successful cooperation between architects and companies. Day 2 will feature 15 lectures on design strategies by architecture firms from German-speaking countries and a panel discussion on the topic of 'land consumption'.
Volker Staab and the Zeman Group present the design and construction of the tower at the Bauhaus Archive in Berlin.

February 23-24, 2024

Theater hall in the MuTh,
Am Augartenspitz 1, 1020 Vienna

23.–24.02.2024, Vienna

TURN ON architecture festival

22.02.2024, Film
7 Chapels Press

22.02.2024, Film

7 Chapels

A film by architectural photographer Jens Weber and portrait photographer Orla Connolly about how sacred architecture embodies the human urge to give meaning and understand existence itself, or simply anything.
Long takes, combined with music by Wolfram Oettl, draw you into a surreal trance.

Our way chapel in Dillingen an der Donau is one of the chapels shown.

The film will be shown in various cities in Germany and Europe.

22.02.2024, Film

7 Chapels

2024, DOM publishers
German Architecture Annual 2024 Book

2024, DOM publishers

German Architecture Annual 2024

DOM publishers 2024
Published by Peter Cachola Schmal, Christina Gräwe, Yorck Förster
on behalf of DDezernat für Kultur und Wissenschaft,
Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
ISBN 978-3-86922-884-6 (DE/EN)

2024, DOM publishers

German Architecture Annual 2024

06.10.2023, AAG 2023 Konferenz Stuttgart
Navigating N-Dimensional Design Spaces Talk

06.10.2023, AAG 2023 Konferenz Stuttgart

Navigating N-Dimensional Design Spaces

Excited to have presented our paper "SearchField - Navigating N-Dimensional Design Spaces" at the AAG 2023 conference in Stuttgart. It came out of a collaboration between Staab Architekten and the Department of Structural Design and Engineering at the University of the Arts Berlin. Our research focuses on design space exploration, empowering designers with an intuitive approach and integrating key performance factors into the architectural design process. 


06.10.2023, AAG 2023 Konferenz Stuttgart

Navigating N-Dimensional Design Spaces

2023, Casals-Forum, Kronberg near Frankfurt am Main
State Prize »Exemplary Buildings in the State of Hesse 2023« – Recognition Award

2023, Casals-Forum, Kronberg near Frankfurt am Main

State Prize »Exemplary Buildings in the State of Hesse 2023« – Recognition

The State Prize for Architecture and Urban Development "Exemplary Buildings in the State of Hesse 2023" is awarded every three years by the State of Hesse, represented by the Hessian Ministry of Finance and the Chamber of Architects and Town Planners of Hesse. 
The theme of this year's award was infrastructures for the future. The Casals Forum was awarded in the category "Social Infrastructure".

2023, Casals-Forum, Kronberg near Frankfurt am Main

State Prize »Exemplary Buildings in the State of Hesse 2023« – Recognition

03.06.2023, St. Gallen TAGBLATT
New Library, St. Gallen Press

03.06.2023, St. Gallen TAGBLATT

New Library, St. Gallen

St. Gallen Tagblatt, 03.06.2023
Topic Ostschweiz
Review by Luca Hochreutener
Visualization by Grauwald Studio

03.06.2023, St. Gallen TAGBLATT

New Library, St. Gallen

2023, Edition Detail
Brick Buildings S M L Book

2023, Edition Detail

Brick Buildings S M L

Edition Detail, 2023
ISBN 978-3-95553-599-5

2023, Edition Detail

Brick Buildings S M L

2023, Casals-Forum, Kronberg near Frankfurt am Main
BDA Hesse - Johann-Wilhelm-Lehr-Plakette Award

2023, Casals-Forum, Kronberg near Frankfurt am Main

BDA Hesse - Johann-Wilhelm-Lehr-Plakette

The awards are presented every five years by the Association of German Architects in Hesse. For the period 2018-2023, ten projects received the Johann Wilhelm Lehr Plaque.

An ensemble consisting of a chamber music hall, academy and hotel was built between Victoriapark and the S-Bahn station in Kronberg, providing Kronberg Academy with optimal conditions for the musical training of young talents from all over the world. The new buildings, integrated into the rising terrain, are grouped around a public urban space, at the highest point of which the concert hall lays with its far-reaching roof. Its all-round glass façade allows views right into the free-form concert hall.

2023, Casals-Forum, Kronberg near Frankfurt am Main

BDA Hesse - Johann-Wilhelm-Lehr-Plakette

Architecture Transformed: Das digitale Bild in der Architektur von 1980-2020 Book


Architecture Transformed: Das digitale Bild in der Architektur von 1980-2020,2023
ISBN 978-3-98501-162-9


Architecture Transformed: Das digitale Bild in der Architektur von 1980-2020

2022, Augustinerhof, Nuremberg
Architecture Award of the City of Nuremberg 2022 – Recognition Award

2022, Augustinerhof, Nuremberg

Architecture Award of the City of Nuremberg 2022 – Recognition

Every two years, the City of Nuremberg awards prizes to projects that integrate particularly well into the city's urban  context or that are outstanding as solitary buildings or open spaces from a design, technical or ecological perspective.

The Augustinerhof creates a new public space in the historic city center, leading from the Altstadtmarkt to a public square on the banks of the Pegnitz. A branch of the German Museum was established in the head building at the Karlsbrücke.


2022, Augustinerhof, Nuremberg

Architecture Award of the City of Nuremberg 2022 – Recognition

16.10.2022, Deutschlandfunk »Zwischentöne«
Interview with Volker Staab Talk

16.10.2022, Deutschlandfunk »Zwischentöne«

Interview with Volker Staab

"Beauty arises when an inner order unites all contradictions".

Every Sunday at 1:30 pm a journalist talks to a person who has a significant impact on our cultural and intellectual life. The conversation is accompanied by music chosen by the guest.

Listen to Raoul Mörchen's interview with Volker Staab from October 16, 2022 in the audio library of Deutschlandfunk.


16.10.2022, Deutschlandfunk »Zwischentöne«

Interview with Volker Staab

2022, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg
Building Client Award for Historic Towns 2022 - Recognition Award

2022, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg

Building Client Award for Historic Towns 2022 - Recognition

The Working Group of Historic Cities is an association of the cities of Bamberg, Görlitz, Lübeck, Meißen, Regensburg and Stralsund. Its Building Award has been awarded every four years since 1998. It honours examples of high-quality development and the strengthening of historic city centres and is intended to provide inspiration and motivation for building in the old town. 

The Jewish Community Centre was built in the old town of Regensburg, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, on the site of the synagogue destroyed in 1938. The staggered new building, constructed in a contemporary architectural language, ties in with the low eaves and gable houses of the old town and creates a close connection to the street space with courtyards and views.

2022, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg

Building Client Award for Historic Towns 2022 - Recognition

11.10.2022, BIM Allianz
Activation of the federal BIM portal Press

11.10.2022, BIM Allianz

Activation of the federal BIM portal

With the support of the BIM Alliance, a federal digital platform was launched to standardise the specifications and procedures of digital planning processes in public building projects. 

We are a founding member of the BIM Alliance, an international network of planners that has been seeking solutions to issues arising from the new planning methods independently of software vendors and service providers since 2017.

Magazine, Issue
Issue Topic / Topic
Review by
Images by

11.10.2022, BIM Allianz

Activation of the federal BIM portal

29.06.2022, Lecture series HTWK Leipzig
Teaching/Doing Architecture Talk

29.06.2022, Lecture series HTWK Leipzig

Teaching/Doing Architecture

The Faculty of Architecture is dedicating its lecture series this year to the relationship between the practical work and the teaching activities of the invited speakers. Volker Staab will talk about the two core elements of his design work - the autonomous architectural idea and its contextualization - and describe how these are further explored in his teaching activities.


Lecture Series Teaching/Doing Architecture
Lecture by Volker Staab
Wednesday, June 29 at 7:30 p.m., Li 145
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 145
04277 Leipzig

29.06.2022, Lecture series HTWK Leipzig

Teaching/Doing Architecture

23.06.2022, Guest lecture at BDA exhibition »Caring for what already exists«
The potential of the site Talk

23.06.2022, Guest lecture at BDA exhibition »Caring for what already exists«

The potential of the site

With the touring exhibition "Sorge um den Bestand" (»caring for what already exists«), the BDA would like to initiate discussion in various cities about effective strategies for the preservation of our building stock. In Bonn, the Stadthaus is the focus of the supporting program. It is one of several post-war buildings in the city that are threatened with demolition. In his guest lecture, Volker Staab will broaden the view and present the situation-specific approach of his office in dealing with existing buildings.

08 June 2022 - 29 June 2022
Lecture Prof. Volker Staab
​June 23, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

Viktoriabad Bonn,
Franziskanerstr. 9
53113 Bonn

23.06.2022, Guest lecture at BDA exhibition »Caring for what already exists«

The potential of the site

2022, Community Centre at Ulrichsplatz, Augsburg
Award of the Langner'sche Stiftung 2022 Award

2022, Community Centre at Ulrichsplatz, Augsburg

Award of the Langner'sche Stiftung 2022

Every two years, the Langner'sche Stiftung awards its sponsorship prizes for outstanding achievements in architecture, historic preservation and design in Augsburg and the surrounding area.

The house of the church is located on a prominently situated site on Ulrichplatz in front of St. Ulrich and St. Afra’s Abbey in Augsburg. The new construction is an ensemble comprised of three buildings—the regional bishop’s office, the church office and the parsonage—which were coordinated with the surrounding historical architecture in regards to volume and scale.

2022, Community Centre at Ulrichsplatz, Augsburg

Award of the Langner'sche Stiftung 2022

da! Architecture in and from Berlin Exhibition


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

In its annual exhibition, the Berlin Chamber of Architects is showing selected projects from its members from the fields of architecture, interior architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning. We are represented with our project Jewish Museum, Frankfurt am Main.

Living Berlin
Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

02.2022, Bauwelt
Nürnberger Aktivierung. Gemischter Augustinerhof Press

02.2022, Bauwelt

Nürnberger Aktivierung. Gemischter Augustinerhof

Bauwelt 3.2022
Topic Activation of Nuremberg
Review by Therese Mausbach
Images by Marcus Ebener

02.2022, Bauwelt

Nürnberger Aktivierung. Gemischter Augustinerhof

2022, Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology
BDA Prize Berlin 2021 – Honorable Mention Award

2022, Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology

BDA Prize Berlin 2021 – Honorable Mention

Every three years, the Association of German Architects (BDA) Berlin honors architects and clients for special architectural achievements in Berlin. Laboratory buildings are rarely among those honored. This makes the honorable mention for the research building of the Max Delbrück Center in Berlin Mitte all the more gratifying.

The highly flexible building, designed for communication, provides a stimulating working environment for the center's changing top research teams. Situated in a heterogeneous courtyard, two wings of different heights minimize the shading of the surrounding buildings and form a forecourt set back from the street, which is enlivened by the main entrance and the institute‘s conference hall. 

2022, Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology

BDA Prize Berlin 2021 – Honorable Mention

2021, Ernst & Sohn
Ingenieurbaukunst 2022 Book

2021, Ernst & Sohn

Ingenieurbaukunst 2022

Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn Verlag, 2021
ISBN 9783433033593 (DE)

2021, Ernst & Sohn

Ingenieurbaukunst 2022

2021, Birkhäuser
Das Museumsufer Frankfurt. Architekten und Bauten Book

2021, Birkhäuser

Das Museumsufer Frankfurt. Architekten und Bauten

Birkhäuser Verlag, 2020
Published by Roland Burgard
Texts by Roland Burgard
Images by Roland Burgard
ISBN 9783035618815 (DE)

2021, Birkhäuser

Das Museumsufer Frankfurt. Architekten und Bauten

10.–12.11.2021, University of Salzburg
Building on landmarked sites: The idea of the place Talk

10.–12.11.2021, University of Salzburg

Building on landmarked sites: The idea of the place

The University of Salzburg, together with the Austrian Federal Monuments Office and the Salzburg Architecture Initiative, is hosting a three-day conference on the handling of listed sites. Contributions from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland will be presented and report on architectural practice, the experiences of the monument offices, and the scientific perspective.

Volker Staab will talk on the idea of place, in which he questions the commitment to a seemingly correct strategy in dealing with monuments and uses built examples to show how different the approach can be when it is developed from the building task and the site. The question of whether the original substance or rather the idea of the site is the key to an appropriate strategy also plays a decisive role here.

10.–12.11.2021, University of Salzburg

Building on landmarked sites: The idea of the place

26.10.2021, Akademie der Künste Berlin
Klaus Bollinger and Volker Staab Talk

26.10.2021, Akademie der Künste Berlin

Klaus Bollinger and Volker Staab

Talk series 'On the Duty and the Power of Architecture'

Klaus Bollinger, a member of the section Baukunst, presents current projects of his office Bollinger+Grohmann under the premises of aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. In the following conversation, he discusses with Volker Staab the responsibility and the possibilities of planning offices' influence on building culture. Our office has developed an innovative tower structure for the extension of the Bauhaus Archive in Berlin along with Bollinger+Gromann, which is currently under construction.

Tuesday 26.10.2021 at 7.00 pm

Academy of Arts at Hanseatenweg
Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

26.10.2021, Akademie der Künste Berlin

Klaus Bollinger and Volker Staab

2021, 7 Chapels, County Dillingen
Thomas Wechs Preis – Honorable Mention Award

2021, 7 Chapels, County Dillingen

Thomas Wechs Preis – Honorable Mention

The regional architecture prize is awarded every three years by the Association of German Architects BDA Augsburg-Schwaben. The Siegfried and Elfriede Denzel Foundation commissioned seven architects, in addition to our office Hans Engel, John Pawson, Wilhelm Huber, Frank Lattke, Alen Jasarevic and Christoph Mäckler, to design wooden chapels along newly created bike paths in the district of Dillingen. 

Our chapel fits into a small group of trees with a slender wooden tower, that is visible from afar. The chapel space, open to the landscape and formed of wooden slats, is bounded by a cross, which the wooden supporting structure draws into the opening. 


2021, 7 Chapels, County Dillingen

Thomas Wechs Preis – Honorable Mention

09.2021, Bauwelt
Union zum Lesen. New Library St. Gallen Press

09.2021, Bauwelt

Union zum Lesen. New Library St. Gallen

Bauwelt 18.2021
Topic Competition decisions
Review by Ulrich Brinkmann 

09.2021, Bauwelt

Union zum Lesen. New Library St. Gallen

2021, Design Department, University of Applied Studies Munich
BDA Regional Prize 'Über Oberbayern' – Commendation Award

2021, Design Department, University of Applied Studies Munich

BDA Regional Prize 'Über Oberbayern' – Commendation

In 2020, the Association of German Architects (BDA) in Bavaria has announced for the first time the regional prize 'Über Oberbayern', whose focus is on the local building tradition and the interaction between client and architect. Our conversion and extension of the Zeughaus (military building) for the Design Department of the Munich University of Applied Studies received one recognition.

2021, Design Department, University of Applied Studies Munich

BDA Regional Prize 'Über Oberbayern' – Commendation

05.2021, Baumeister
Über Feld und Flur. Seven chapels Press

05.2021, Baumeister

Über Feld und Flur. Seven chapels

Baumeister ​B5/21
Issue Topic Seven chapels
Review by Jessica Mankel
Images by Eckhart Matthäus

05.2021, Baumeister

Über Feld und Flur. Seven chapels

da! Architecture in and from Berlin Exhibition


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

In its annual exhibition, the Berlin Chamber of Architects shows selected, current projects of its members from the fields of architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, and urban planning. Staab Architekten is featured with the Jewish Community Center with Synagogue in Regensburg.

Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

7 Chapels Exhibition


7 Chapels

The special exhibition in the Diözesanmuseum St. Afra shows seven wooden chapels built between 2018 and 2020 along the bike paths in the Swabian Danube Valley. 
On the one hand, the chapels are to be a religious architectural symbol that further develops the tradition of the chapel building and, at the same time, invite cyclists to rest, to pause, to pray. The Seven Chapels Project was realized by the Siegfried and Elfriede Denzel Foundation.

Tuesday–Satureday 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday 12 to 6 pm

Diözesanmuseum St. Afra
Kornhausgasse 3–5, 86152 Augsburg


7 Chapels

2021, Braun Publishing
Building Berlin. The latest architecture in and out of the capital / Vol. 10 Book

2021, Braun Publishing

Building Berlin. The latest architecture in and out of the capital / Vol. 10

Braun Publishing AG, 2021
Published by Architektenkammer Berlin
ISBN 9783037682609 (DE/EN)

2021, Braun Publishing

Building Berlin. The latest architecture in and out of the capital / Vol. 10

03.2021, db deutsche bauzeitung
Edles Gewand. Community Centre at Ulrichsplatz Press

03.2021, db deutsche bauzeitung

Edles Gewand. Community Centre at Ulrichsplatz

db deutsche beuzeitung 03/2021
Issue Topic Plaster
Review by Klaus Meyer
Images by Marcus Ebener

03.2021, db deutsche bauzeitung

Edles Gewand. Community Centre at Ulrichsplatz

01.2021, Bauwelt
Ein Fels der Aufklärung Press

01.2021, Bauwelt

Ein Fels der Aufklärung

Bauwelt 2.2021
Issue Topic Places of jewish diversity
Review von Wolfgang Jean Stock
Photos von Brigida González

01.2021, Bauwelt

Ein Fels der Aufklärung

2021, DOM publishers
German Architecture Annual 2021 Book

2021, DOM publishers

German Architecture Annual 2021

DOM publishers 2021
Published by Peter Cachola Schmal, Christina Gräwe, Yorck Förster
ISBN 9783869227749 (DE/EN)

2021, DOM publishers

German Architecture Annual 2021

Building and Space. Yearbook 2019 Book


Building and Space. Yearbook 2019

Selbstverlag des BBR, 2020
Published by Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR)
ISBN 9783879942640 (DE/EN)


Building and Space. Yearbook 2019

2020, Virtual Engineering Competence Centre, Mannheim
Exemplary Buildings in Mannheim Award

2020, Virtual Engineering Competence Centre, Mannheim

Exemplary Buildings in Mannheim

The research building of the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences has been awarded a prize by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects in the "Exemplary Building Mannheim 2013-2020" award procedure. 
The university's cooperative project with the John Deere company is researching three-dimensional projections of objects and environments. The play with perception, reality and illusion became the central theme of the design and is reflected in both the facades and the interior of the building.

2020, Virtual Engineering Competence Centre, Mannheim

Exemplary Buildings in Mannheim

01.10.2020–01.03.2021, Kronprinzenpalais
Unfinished Metropolis. 100 Years of Urban Planning for Greater Berlin Exhibition

01.10.2020–01.03.2021, Kronprinzenpalais

Unfinished Metropolis. 100 Years of Urban Planning for Greater Berlin

To mark the 100th anniversary of Greater Berlin, the exhibition of the Berlin-Brandenburg Architects’ and Engineers’ Association “Unfinished Metropolis: 100 Years of Urban Development for Greater Berlin” will link the history, present and future of the metropolis and highlight the resulting current potential of the Berlin-Brandenburg urban region. Staab Architekten will be represented with the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung.

Curators: Harald Bodenschatz with Christina Gräwe and Benedikt Goebel

Unter den Linden, 10117 Berlin

01.10.2020–01.03.2021, Kronprinzenpalais

Unfinished Metropolis. 100 Years of Urban Planning for Greater Berlin

2020, Pavillon Remstal Gartenschau 2019
Hugo-Häring-Award Award

2020, Pavillon Remstal Gartenschau 2019


The BDA (Association of German Architects) Stuttgart has awarded the 16 Stations joint project, which was part of the Remstal Horticultural Show 2019. Each of the municipalities had a pavilion designed by a German architect and then erected by local construction companies. 
We designed a small, peaceful place in the community of Böbingen: A bright white roof is suspended in the middle of the forest, a white gravel field tracing its outline on the ground, marking an abstract space - enigmatic, attractive and open to visitors on all sides.
Next year, the award-winning project will take part in the award procedure for the Hugo-Häring State Prize.

2020, Pavillon Remstal Gartenschau 2019


2020, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg
Geplant + Ausgeführt – Commendation Award

2020, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg

Geplant + Ausgeführt – Commendation

Every year, the International Trade Fair for the Skilled Crafts presents an award for the successful cooperation between architects and building craft enterprises.
The design and construction of the multi-curved cross laminated timber dome over the synagogue hall in Regensburg was developed by Dr. Gollwitzer - Dr . Linse und Partner, Consulting Engineers in Civil Engineering, Munich, and Züblin Timber, Aichach, and built by IHR Tischler, Harth-Pöllnitz.

2020, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg

Geplant + Ausgeführt – Commendation

da! Architecture in and from Berlin Exhibition


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

In its annual exhibition, the Berlin Chamber of Architects is showing selected projects from its members from the fields of architecture, interior architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning. We are represented with our project Design Department, University of Applied Studies Munich.

Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

2020, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg
Architecture Prize Regensburg Award

2020, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg

Architecture Prize Regensburg

To promote regional building culture, the city of Regensburg regularly rewards outstanding architecture and landscape design. The Jewish community centre with synagogue in the UNESCO world heritage site Old Town of Regensburg received the 2019 Architecture Prize in the newly created category of cultural buildings.

2020, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg

Architecture Prize Regensburg

2020, Braun Publishing
Building Berlin. The latest architecture in and out of the capital / Vol. 9 Book

2020, Braun Publishing

Building Berlin. The latest architecture in and out of the capital / Vol. 9

Braun Publishing AG, 2020
Published by Architektenkammer Berlin
ISBN 9783037682593 (DE/EN)

With project: Design Department, University of Applied Studies Munich

2020, Braun Publishing

Building Berlin. The latest architecture in and out of the capital / Vol. 9

2020, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg
Otto-Borst-Prize Award

2020, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg


Every two years, the association Forum Stadt – Network of Historic Cities honours outstanding projects that preserve, renovate, convert or further develop the historic city substance. 
The reconstruction of the synagogue in the old town of Regensburg on the site of its destruction in 1938 was honoured with one of the prizes.

2020, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg


2020, Parliament Building, Stuttgart
Exemplary Buildings in Stuttgart Award

2020, Parliament Building, Stuttgart

Exemplary Buildings in Stuttgart

At regular intervals, the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects honors exemplary building projects. 
The general renovation and conversion of the House of the State Parliament one of the selected projects for the years 2015-2019 in Stuttgart.

2020, Parliament Building, Stuttgart

Exemplary Buildings in Stuttgart

DAM Award for Architecture in Germany 2020 Exhibition


DAM Award for Architecture in Germany 2020

As part of the annual award ceremony of the DAM Prize for Architecture, the winners and the nominated projects, including our project Faculty of Design of the University of Applied Sciences Munich, are exhibited at the German Museum of Architecture.

Deutsches Architekturmuseum
Schaumainkai 43, 60596 Frankfurt am Main


DAM Award for Architecture in Germany 2020

30.01.2020, RWTH Aachen University
4th Aachen Conference on the Identity of Architecture: Construction Talk

30.01.2020, RWTH Aachen University

4th Aachen Conference on the Identity of Architecture: Construction

Far spanning, space-creating, referential and figurative - these four aspects of construction were central to our work on the Museum of the Bavarian Kings project in Hohenschwangau. The project is an example of our understanding that only the combination of contextual influences, programmatic and spatial requirements with a coherent construction concept, enables architectural quality. We like to replace the term constructive with the term structural. The focus of our approach is not the technical dimension of supporting and joining but rather the interplay of material, spatial characteristics, and the resulting logic of joining. It results in an inner grammar of the building structure, which underlies each of our buildings in different formulations.

Organized by the Faculty of Architecture, RWTH Aachen University

January 30-31, 2020
Foyer of the Reiffmuseum, Schinkelstraße 1, 52062 Aachen

30.01.2020, RWTH Aachen University

4th Aachen Conference on the Identity of Architecture: Construction

2020, DOM publishers
German Architecture Annual 2020 Book

2020, DOM publishers

German Architecture Annual 2020

DOM publishers 2020
Published by Peter Cachola Schmal, Christina Gräwe, Yorck Förster
ISBN 9783869227559 (DE/EN)

2020, DOM publishers

German Architecture Annual 2020

18.11.2019, Monday Talk of the BDA Cologne
The new buildings on the campus of the TH Köln Talk

18.11.2019, Monday Talk of the BDA Cologne

The new buildings on the campus of the TH Köln

Presentation and discussion of the first competition results for new buildings on the 1970s university campus in Deutz.

Scientific introduction about the future-proof integration of the universities into the urban space: Dr. Claudia Kruschwitz.
Presentations by Prof. Tobias Wulf, Ferdinand Heide, Prof. Volker Staab 
moderated by Thomas Knüvener and Erich Frank Pössl.


18.11.2019, Monday Talk of the BDA Cologne

The new buildings on the campus of the TH Köln

10.2019, DBZ
Flachkuppel und Kassettendecke. Synagogue Regensburg Press

10.2019, DBZ

Flachkuppel und Kassettendecke. Synagogue Regensburg

DBZ Deutsche BauZeitschrift 10/2019
Issue Topic Structure
Review by Susanne Kreykenbohm
Images by Marcus Ebener

10.2019, DBZ

Flachkuppel und Kassettendecke. Synagogue Regensburg

09.2019, db deutsche bauzeitung
Kontrastwirkung. Design Department of University Munich Press

09.2019, db deutsche bauzeitung

Kontrastwirkung. Design Department of University Munich

db deutsche bauzeitung 09/2019
Issue Topic db-Metamorphosis. On the campus
Review by Klaus Meyer
Images by Anton Schedlbauer, Marcus Ebener, Oliver Jaist

09.2019, db deutsche bauzeitung

Kontrastwirkung. Design Department of University Munich

08.2019, Bauwelt
Landmarks. Rast bei Staab, Rauch, Mäckler und Co. Press

08.2019, Bauwelt

Landmarks. Rast bei Staab, Rauch, Mäckler und Co.

Bauwelt 17.2019
Title Rast bei Staab, Rauch, Mäckler und Co.
Issue Topic Landmarks
Review by Benedikt Crone und Beatrix Flagner

08.2019, Bauwelt

Landmarks. Rast bei Staab, Rauch, Mäckler und Co.

07.2019, db deutsche bauzeitung
Haus der Nähe und des Lichtes. Synagogue Regensburg Press

07.2019, db deutsche bauzeitung

Haus der Nähe und des Lichtes. Synagogue Regensburg

db deutsche bauzeitung 7-8/2019
Issue Topic Open. Closed
Review by Ira Mazzoni
Images by Marcus Ebener

07.2019, db deutsche bauzeitung

Haus der Nähe und des Lichtes. Synagogue Regensburg

06.2019, DETAIL
Central Art Depot in Potsdam Press

06.2019, DETAIL

Central Art Depot in Potsdam

DETAIL 6.2019
Issue Topic Brickwork and stone
Images by Marcus Ebener

06.2019, DETAIL

Central Art Depot in Potsdam

01.05.2019, DETAIL
A Tent-Like Dome. Synagogue Regensburg Press

01.05.2019, DETAIL

A Tent-Like Dome. Synagogue Regensburg

DETAIL 5.2019
Review by Barbara Zettel
Images by Marcus Ebener

01.05.2019, DETAIL

A Tent-Like Dome. Synagogue Regensburg

2019, Braun Publishing
Architektur Berlin. Baukultur in und aus der Hauptstadt / Band 8 Book

2019, Braun Publishing

Architektur Berlin. Baukultur in und aus der Hauptstadt / Band 8

Braun Publishing AG, 2019
Published by Architektenkammer Berlin
ISBN 9783037682432 (DE)

2019, Braun Publishing

Architektur Berlin. Baukultur in und aus der Hauptstadt / Band 8

da! Architecture in and from Berlin Exhibition


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

In its annual exhibition, the Berlin Chamber of Architects is showing selected, current projects from its members from the fields of architecture, interior architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning. Staab Architekten will be represented with the Thünen Institute in Bremerhaven.

Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

2019, Research and Restoration Centre, Potsdam
German Brick Award – Honorable Mention Award

2019, Research and Restoration Centre, Potsdam

German Brick Award – Honorable Mention

The German Brick Award is presented every two years by the Southern Brick Center under the patronage of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community. The prize is awarded to buildings and engineering structures that make particularly forward-looking use of the building material. 
The Science and Restoration Center in Potsdam houses the collections and workshops of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation. The specially fired bricks of the new buildings are matched in color to the historic buildings on the edge of the palace park and help to sensitively integrate the ensemble into the surroundings of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Park Sanssouci.

2019, Research and Restoration Centre, Potsdam

German Brick Award – Honorable Mention

DAM Award for Architecture in Germany 2019 Exhibition


DAM Award for Architecture in Germany 2019

As part of the annual award ceremony of the DAM Prize for Architecture, the winners and the nominated projects, including our project Science and Restoration Center of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation in Potsdam, are exhibited at the German Architecture Museum.

Deutsches Architekturmuseum
Schaumainkai 43, 60596 Frankfurt am Main


DAM Award for Architecture in Germany 2019

2019, Hatje Cantz
Bauhaus 100. Sites of Modernism Book

2019, Hatje Cantz

Bauhaus 100. Sites of Modernism

Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2019
Published by Bauhaus Kooperation Berlin Dessau Weimar
Texts by Werner Durth, Wolfgang Pehnt
Design by Heimann und Schwantes
ISBN 9783775746137 (DE)
ISBN 9783775746144 (EN)

2019, Hatje Cantz

Bauhaus 100. Sites of Modernism

2019, DOM publishers
German Architecture Annual 2019 Book

2019, DOM publishers

German Architecture Annual 2019

DOM publishers 2019
Published by Peter Cachola Schmal, Christina Gräwe, Yorck Förster
ISBN 9783869227252 (DE/EN)

2019, DOM publishers

German Architecture Annual 2019

2018, Thünen Institute, Bremerhaven
Award BDA Bremen – Commendation Award

2018, Thünen Institute, Bremerhaven

Award BDA Bremen – Commendation

Every four years, the Federal Chamber of German Architects (BDA) Bremen honors outstanding buildings.
The new building for the the Thünen-Institutes für Seefischerei und Fischereiökologie (Thünen-Institutes for Sea Fisheries and Fisheries Ecology), which was completed in 2017, received one of the four awards.

2018, Thünen Institute, Bremerhaven

Award BDA Bremen – Commendation

2018, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg
National Competition European City – 3rd Prize Award

2018, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg

National Competition European City – 3rd Prize

Outstanding concepts and projects that stand for a forward-looking and innovative approach to the architectural heritage, as well as their civic engagement, are honored in the national competition Bundeswettbewerb “Europäische Stadt – Wandel & Werte” (European city – change & values). Even before completion, the Jewish Community Center with Synagogue submitted by the city of Regensburg  was awarded a prize in the category Stadtgebäude (urban building).

2018, Jewish Community Center and Synagogue, Regensburg

National Competition European City – 3rd Prize

01.10.2018, Springer Verlag
Neufert Bauentwurfslehre Book

01.10.2018, Springer Verlag

Neufert Bauentwurfslehre

Springer Verlag, 2018
Published by Ernst Neufert
ISBN 9783658218768 (DE)

01.10.2018, Springer Verlag

Neufert Bauentwurfslehre

2018, Saint Kilian School, Marktheidenfeld
Award Good buildings in Franconia – Honorable Mention Award

2018, Saint Kilian School, Marktheidenfeld

Award Good buildings in Franconia – Honorable Mention

Every three years the Association of German Architects awards “good buildings in Franconia”. 
The special needs school in Marktheidenfeld was able to convince the jury with a concept that embeds the building in the landscape, lending it a child-friendly scale, and translates the stratification of school internal spaces and public areas into an inviting architectural language.

2018, Saint Kilian School, Marktheidenfeld

Award Good buildings in Franconia – Honorable Mention

2018, Schnell & Steiner
Zusammenspiel. Kunst im sakralen Raum Book

2018, Schnell & Steiner

Zusammenspiel. Kunst im sakralen Raum

Schnell & Steiner Verlag, 2018
Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für christliche Kunst DG; Verein Ausstellungshaus für christliche Kunst
ISBN 97837954337656 (DE)

2018, Schnell & Steiner

Zusammenspiel. Kunst im sakralen Raum

2018, Parliament building, Stuttgart
Deutscher Lichtdesign-Preis – Special Prize »Daylight« Award

2018, Parliament building, Stuttgart

Deutscher Lichtdesign-Preis – Special Prize »Daylight«

The German Lighting Design Award  is intended to highlight the importance of lighting design in architecture. The jury includes university professors, lighting designers and representatives of the trade press and industry associations. 
The conversion of the plenary hall in the House of the State Parliament in  Stuttgart received the Special Prize"Daylight". Four openings to the surrounding foyer areas and a daylight ceiling with views of the sky lend the previously hermetically sealed hall a light, invigorating atmosphere. The lighting concept was developed and realized with Licht Kunst Licht Berlin.

2018, Parliament building, Stuttgart

Deutscher Lichtdesign-Preis – Special Prize »Daylight«

05.2018, DETAIL
Metal Facades Press

05.2018, DETAIL

Metal Facades

DETAIL 5.2018
Issue Topic Facades
Review by Roland Pawlitschko
Images by Marcus Ebener

05.2018, DETAIL

Metal Facades

2018, Braun Publishing
Architektur Berlin. Baukultur in und aus der Hauptstadt / Band 7 Book

2018, Braun Publishing

Architektur Berlin. Baukultur in und aus der Hauptstadt / Band 7

Braun Publishing AG, 2018
Published by Architektenkammer Berlin
ISBN 9783037682364 (DE)

2018, Braun Publishing

Architektur Berlin. Baukultur in und aus der Hauptstadt / Band 7

2018, Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main
Martin Elsaesser badge, BDA Frankfurt Award

2018, Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main

Martin Elsaesser badge, BDA Frankfurt

The BDA Frankfurt awards the Martin Elsaesser plaque for exemplary architecture every 5 years. 
Our project Max Planck Institute for European Legal History was built on the edge of the Westend Campus of the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University. Clear edges and a distinct ground level tie the building into the urban context, but overlap with the independent form of three towers on the upper floors, which house the individual sections of the institute.

2018, Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main

Martin Elsaesser badge, BDA Frankfurt

12.03.2018, BDA Münster-Münsterland
Architecture in Context Talk

12.03.2018, BDA Münster-Münsterland

Architecture in Context

Work lecture series of the LWL and the BDA Münster-Münsterland

The basic idea of the lecture series 'Architecture in Context' is the reflection and mediation of the manifold aspects of context-related building, focussing on the urbanistic solution approach and the historical reference to the found situation. In addition, a social-cultural localization of the chosen structural solution takes place.

12.03.2018, BDA Münster-Münsterland

Architecture in Context

da! Architecture in and from Berlin Exhibition


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

In its annual exhibition, the Berlin Chamber of Architects is showing selected, current projects from its members from the fields of architecture, interior architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning. Staab Architekten will be represented with its Research and Restoration Centre in Potsdam.

Stilwerk, Berlin


da! Architecture in and from Berlin

03.2018, DBZ
Modernisierte Moderne. Haus des Landtags Press

03.2018, DBZ

Modernisierte Moderne. Haus des Landtags

DBZ Deutsche BauZeitschrift 3/2018
Issue Topic Light
Review by Laura Sudbrock
Images by Marcus Ebener

03.2018, DBZ

Modernisierte Moderne. Haus des Landtags

Arquitectura en lugares especiales. Architecture in special places Exhibition


Arquitectura en lugares especiales. Architecture in special places

An exhibition of 14 lectures by internationally renowned architects is on display at the Faculty of Architecture of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago. The lectures were held in recent years as part of the "Heidelberg Castle Talks" and revolved around the conceptual approach to special places. Besides Volker Staab, architects such as Max Dudler, Regine Leibinger, Franco Stella, Natalie de Vries, and Daniel Libeskind are represented.

Architecture Department of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile


Arquitectura en lugares especiales. Architecture in special places

2017, Friedrich Pustet Verlag
Jüdische Lebenswelten in Regensburg. Eine gebrochene Geschichte Book

2017, Friedrich Pustet Verlag

Jüdische Lebenswelten in Regensburg. Eine gebrochene Geschichte

Friedrich Pustet Verlag, 2017
Published by  Klaus Himmelstein
ISBN 9783791728063 (DE)

2017, Friedrich Pustet Verlag

Jüdische Lebenswelten in Regensburg. Eine gebrochene Geschichte

2017, Research and Restoration Centre, Potsdam
Brandenburgischer Baukulturpreis – Special Prize Award

2017, Research and Restoration Centre, Potsdam

Brandenburgischer Baukulturpreis – Special Prize

The Building Culture Award of the Brandenburg Association of Architects and Engineers is awarded every two years to projects from all areas of building planning. 
The restoration center for the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation sits on the site of the former Hans Otto Theater directly adjacent to the UNESCO World Heritage Site Park Sanssouci. The special prize honors the integration of the new buildings into the complex context of existing buildings. The protected visual axes from the park had to be maintained and the old theater integrated into the ensemble.

2017, Research and Restoration Centre, Potsdam

Brandenburgischer Baukulturpreis – Special Prize

2017, Lecture hall and administration building, Ansbach University
Fritz-Höger-Preis – Special Mention Award

2017, Lecture hall and administration building, Ansbach University

Fritz-Höger-Preis – Special Mention

The Fritz Höger Award is awarded every three years for outstanding brick architecture by German brick manufacturers with the support of the Association of German Architects. 
The massive perforated facade of the lecture hall and administration building at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences received special recognition in the "Public Buildings, Sports and Leisure" category. All four sides of the freestanding cube were given their own distinct, distinctly designed face, depending on the underlying function, with the deep reveal panels.

2017, Lecture hall and administration building, Ansbach University

Fritz-Höger-Preis – Special Mention

2017, Parliament building, Stuttgart
Hugo Häring Award from BDA Stuttgart Award

2017, Parliament building, Stuttgart

Hugo Häring Award from BDA Stuttgart

The Landesverband (regional association) Baden-Württemberg of the Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA) has awarded this years Hugo-Häring-Auszeichnungen (Hugo-Häring-Prizes) for the region of Stuttgart. Beyond this the prize marks the primary stage for the Hugo-Häring-Landespreis (state prize) of the BDA.   
The listed parliament building from the early years of the Federal Republic was not only carefully modernized and renovated. To enable contemporary work, the plenary hall was also provided with openings to the surrounding foyer and a daylight ceiling, thus adding a new layer of time. 

2017, Parliament building, Stuttgart

Hugo Häring Award from BDA Stuttgart

09.2017, db deutsch